Luo bou to
JoinedTopics Started by Luo bou to
upskirt voyeur a JW
by Luo bou to inreport was in nz news paper recently this guy had a camera attached to his witnessing bag so he could film up girls skirts hyperthetical can you imagine before he was caught this bro being commended for his zeal in the ministry and used as a role model for reporting a lot of hours which is considered by the elders a measure of ones spirituality .
amazing apustates
by Luo bou to infor the arc to be apostate lies imagine the skill and talent involved in stage management such an event even finding someone who looked like g jackson to play the part of yhis gb member.
Coroner's insight re real reason for refusing transfusion death
by Luo bou to in
quote from coroner "i accept that this doctrine has been an entrenched principle of the jehovah witness religion since 1945 despite considerable debate.. "nevertheless, mrs allen's death most graphically illustrates the consequence of the rigid adherence to that doctrine and brings me to recommend, perhaps forlornly, that the jehovah witness governing body and its elders give consideration to a relaxation of its doctrine".
now there's one judge that doesn't buy the only following his bible trained conscience bullshit.
Birthday Warning
by Luo bou to init's my birthday today, i'm 63. i know your thrilled to hear that and are likely to party hard with wild abandonment, but please be careful not to worship me.
i am only a creature.
it's ok to worship the gb though.
Re: Only using one sheet of toilet paper at assemblies
by Luo bou to ini have been living in china for several years now and my only fear was that one day, i would need to use one of their squat toilets.
i cant squat that close to the ground but the chinese can with their feet flat on the ground and without raising their heels .
so the day finally came when for several weeks i was forced to use one.
Being responsible for your behaviour
by Luo bou to ini make excuses for my ex and witness relatives telling myself that they're not responsible because they are under mind controll.
but is that good enough.
can treating someone as if they don't exist be excused ?
Why do I come here
by Luo bou to ini believe i have completely freed myself from any borg influence yet i am drawn to this board.
like many of you ,i lost my wife and family, but i don't believe i can do anything about that, and if i could, i doubt that it would be a kindness on my part to do so.
they have so much invested.
JW doctrines that annoyed or troubled you
by Luo bou to inbloodguilt a doctrine that really annoyed me when i was in.
like i was responsible for who jehovah destroyed..
Millions now living will never die
by Luo bou to inor to put it another way "billions now living will die" a horrible terrifying death if they don't obey the gb.
doesn't sound so appealing now does it?.
Question re: Rutherford's imprisonment
by Luo bou to inthe wt claims it was because of the clergy.
what i want to know is why would the government imprison them over a religious dispute surely there would need to be something they did that broke us laws some evidence to bring charges of sedition and treason.